Tomorrow is Good Friday so thanks to working for a religious institution I get it as a holiday. Just another perk to working for people that love Jesus. Because it is my Friday my boss said our office could wear jeans. Just another perk to working for someone who loves comfort. However, this caused a slight dilemma at my house this morning. I pulled out my jeans and my new chambray shirt that I have been
lusting, er,
desiring really wanting and one of my favorite sweaters. I have been picturing this outfit for months now and I can finally put it together. Decision time: do I wear it today when only my co-workers will see me or do I save it for tomorrow when the only people that will see me are my Realtor and some random people at the mall? These are the tough questions people...TOUGH. Obviously, I called in my spouse. He said, wear it today because more people will see you and we will just be relaxing tomorrow.Really? Are you sure? Yes. So, I went with it. I feel totally cute and would like to show the world. I guess my hair stylist at my appointment tonight will work. At least, she will say I look cute, I hope.....I hope my husband realizes that I will put as much effort into looking "relaxed" tomorrow as I did this morning, for the people at the mall tomorrow, because they matter.....*sigh* probably should just let that go.....
Some observations:
Yesterday I noticed a mailbox with a bird house attached to the top of it. Isn't that a LITTLE dangerous for the "mail carrier" (is that gender neutral term?).
Just a thought....
People with the "coexist" bumper sticker seem to be really aggressive drivers, at least the cars I have been behind, ironic?
The "Ice on Bridge" sign has been flashing for the last three days during my commute. It is 47 degrees outside=there is NO ice on this will I know when there really IS ice? Hmmmm...
Happy Easter!