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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Today is my Friday=Happy Thoughts

Tomorrow is Good Friday so thanks to working for a religious institution I get it as a holiday. Just another perk to working for people that love Jesus. Because it is my Friday my boss said our office could wear jeans. Just another perk to working for someone who loves comfort. However, this caused a slight dilemma at my house this morning. I pulled out my jeans and my new chambray shirt that I have been lusting, er, desiring really wanting and one of my favorite sweaters. I have been picturing this outfit for months now and I can finally put it together. Decision time: do I wear it today when only my co-workers will see me or do I save it for tomorrow when the only people that will see me are my Realtor and some random people at the mall? These are the tough questions people...TOUGH. Obviously, I called in my spouse. He said, wear it today because more people will see you and we will just be relaxing tomorrow.Really? Are you sure? Yes. So, I went with it. I feel totally cute and would like to show the world. I guess my hair stylist at my appointment tonight will work. At least, she will say I look cute, I hope.....I hope my husband realizes that I will put as much effort into looking "relaxed" tomorrow as I did this morning, for the people at the mall tomorrow, because they matter.....*sigh* probably should just let that go.....

Some observations:

Yesterday I noticed a mailbox with a bird house attached to the top of it. Isn't that a LITTLE dangerous for the "mail carrier" (is that gender neutral term?).

Just a thought....

People with the "coexist" bumper sticker seem to be really aggressive drivers, at least the cars I have been behind, ironic?
The "Ice on Bridge" sign has been flashing for the last three days during my commute. It is 47 degrees outside=there is NO ice on this will I know when there really IS ice? Hmmmm...

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Heat Bringing Happiness

It has been and will continue to be very busy here at work. Normally about this time Spring is in the air and I can sense that summer is just around the corner. Not today. Not this week. Not even this month. What have we been experiencing instead? Snow.

Photo: Snow in Lenexa, KS
Yep. That's what it looked like this past weekend when I celebrated my sister's upcoming marriage by throwing her a shower and also celebrated our birthday. And no, I am not speaking in third person. I share my date of birth with my previously mentioned sister. Sidenote: It is such a blessing to have a twin sister who is also your best friend.

Anyway, normally about this time I start to get excited for the summer. Not because it will change my routine like it did in my school days but simply because I remember how it changed my routine in my school days. I remember those April days during the standardized testing while I was being home-schooled with my siblings. April, and standardized testing meant morning walks with mom and relaxed mornings of testing. We weren't quite done with lessons for the school year, but we were close. I knew that a summer full of reading books and riding bikes and a family vacation were in my future. I get excited because of my memories. I remember in High School April meant that you watched a lot of movies in class because the teachers were just as ready as you were to be done with school. In college it meant that I had 3 months of virtually no hard thinking in my future. These days it means nothing. Well, that's not quite true. It means that our utility bill will go down because we won't have to crank up the heat. It also means my husband and I can enjoy outdoor activities  Both are very good things. In addition sunshine makes even driving to and from work better. But, for right now I am rejoicing in two things:
1. A rotating heater in the women's bathroom
2. The heater that is now under my desk making it possible for my toes to not freeze

Friday, March 15, 2013

Spring for a Day

The temperature today is supposed to reach 80 degrees. Love. It will not warm up again until later next week so basically we better enjoy it today, even as we fight the gale force winds bringing in the cold air for tomorrow. Unfortunate.

Last night I nearly had a melt down because my egg mixture was oozing out of my crescent roll soufflĂ©...Yes, I was THAT ridiculous. My husband kept repeating "It's okay, it's not a big deal, it's okay." Finally, at a loss for my apparent total lack of emotional control he said, " Did something else happen today?" To which I replied, "No!" providing the impression that I may have just jumped off the deep end. Sensing that reason had left the building he calmly went to take shower. This left me with my own thoughts as I attempted to figure out what the heck just happened. Stress. Stress just happened. I have a lot on my plate right now and apparently oozing egg was enough to push me over the edge....dumb. You know why I am stressed? Because I am afraid. Afraid of not being perfect and working everything out perfectly. Also, dumb. I wish I had an inspirational word right here about how to fix my insecurities but as I am still very much in progress I guess I will just have to say that I praise God  for grace and a patient spouse as I work to grow into the confident, secure, gracious woman God desires me to be. But you know what? It IS okay. This morning I was reminded of one of my FAVORITE songs as a tween:

Click on the title to listen on Youtube: Rebecca St. James- OK

Go Rebecca St. James! At 13 I pretty much wanted to be her. Anyways....

This morning on my drive in to work I discovered a bleeding, pin sized wound on my finger that I have no recollection of inflicting....kind of like the red spot I discovered on my forehead last night. Seriously, that is why I always have to work extra hard to not bump into things during shorts season. I always look like a 10 year old because I manage to bruise or scratch my legs. 

Happy Friday Everyone!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Fuzzy Mornings

Every year I dread the Spring time change. My body refuses to let me go to sleep at night and takes forever to begin functioning in the morning. This makes for various near errors like nearly using the body wash as shampoo, or putting the clothes in the dryer and walking away, forgetting to turn it on....thankfully, I have a husband willing to pick up my slack. I am even more blessed that he doesn't even comment on it. 

We began house hunting this weekend which culminated in a second visit to a home that had me feeling like I was waiting in line to go on Wildfire at Silver Dollar City.

This period of life is making me feel excited and "I feel like I might be sick" nervous at the same time. It is such a huge decision. Like choosing a wedding dress but you live with it every day instead of one day of your life. Also, it is SO expensive. Wow....

In other news I have discovered a Disney station on Pandora and may I say listening to "Be a Man" from Mulan makes the whole day better. It also makes me wish I was listening to it in my car by myself so I could belt out the words with enthusiasm (because I literally know ALL of them)...that seems like it would help relieve some stress...